Week 25 True Kengis feeling

How many fish can a group lose in a week? 

The answer is quite simple; Many! 

But, there is always a but, we did not land any fish this week.

After a trip like this all our guests need to recover from fishing, do some thinking and mentally prepare for the next trip. It is difficult for any salmon fisherman to fish in difficult conditions and all the fish are hooked, but lost. It put your salmon spirit on trail. 

Luckily for us we have the best guests visiting us and they know the game! Sometimes catching a baltic salmon seems like the most difficult thing to do in the world and sometimes it’s easy. Joonas, Jarno, Ronnie, Jonathan, Jack and Tim faced a difficult week. Low water, warm water and still a strange “start” of the season with lower numbers of fish in the river made the week one of the hard ones.

And here the Kengis feeling kicks in! To welcome back these guys that met for the first time last year, had a great week and then they met again at Kengis is something special. That we can be a place to unite fellow fishermen from all over the world on the same hunt for the baltic salmon is special. Even more special is to see them share the moments on the riverbank in difficult situations. 

This week was all about smiles, good food and lost fish.

The fish were found in the more hydrated water and in the end the group lost more than 30 fish in the week. It is maybe one of the most challenging pools to land a baltic salmon and especially if they decide to swim downstream. Then your chances are small. 

We look forward to welcoming you back to Kengis Bruk!

Next week we welcome back another group of Kengis friends that fished Kengis last year. The weather is still warm, but rain and a little colder temperatures is hopefully good for the fishing. 

Tight lines! 

Aslak & Tyler

Photos: Joonas, Tyler, Tim, Ronnie, Jack, Jarno & Jonathan


Week 26 Finally


Week 24 New fly line?