All about flies

In this blog we will talk about flies for Kengis Bruk.

First thing to mention about flies is that you need to believe in the fly. That is the most important thing.

There are so many patterns in different colors that catch salmon all over the world, so find your favorites and tie them in different sizes. Then you are well prepared for fishing at Kengis Bruk.

In general you need to have in mind that high and cold water is for big flies and warm and low water is for smaller flies. Cloudy weather is for contrast flies, typically with a dark or black overwing and sunny days is for brighter flies.

But no rules without exceptions and that definitely happens in salmon fishing.

We have seen fish caught on flies that took forever to tie and fish caught on something that looked more like something you should have left at home, so no rules, just believe in your fly.

Remember to look at what the other fishermen do, if nobody is catching anything and you all fish the same type of flies, do something different. Go big, small or a crazy color.

Over the time we have come across some patterns that we know work well for our waters.

Colors like yellow, fiery brown, burnt orange are typically in most of our flies but blue, green and red is worth trying.

Willie gunn, banana fly, den vanliga (the usual), phatagorva are flies I always have in my box in different sizes. From 3cm wing to 8-10cm wing.

Then I have a couple of “special” flies like a full orange fly, some really thin flies and a few very small ones. You could also go with all the black & a color fly. Black overwing and different colors for your underwing, they always work.

I am a lazy fly tier, so i tie almost all my flies in the same way;

Tube, dupping, first underwing with polar bear to lift the wing, underwing, hackle, overwing, flash, jungle cock and conehead. Some have a little more details, but they are quite simple. And it works fine for me.

I believe that if the fish want’s to take the fly it does take it. So we are back to believing in your fly.

Remember that we have tying tutorials in our highlights at Instagram.

It's tying season, so get in front of your vise and get ready for the season.

Enjoy and please ask if you have any more questions about flies for Kengis Bruk.

Enjoy, tie some flies and tight lines!


Photos: Jono Winnel, Ted Logart, Calle Lundqvist & Aslak Lund


What do you need on a trip to Kengis?


Until next season