Baltic salmon feeling

1st of june is a special date for many salmon fishermen all over the world. It marks the opening of a short and intense season. Many destinations are only open for three months, from 1/6 - 31/8 and within these three months we need to fulfill the long wait from the last season.

When you do the first cast remember to do all you can to fish the fly. One thing I have learned over the years on the bank of Torne river at Kengis, is the importance to fish the fly. It’s not enough to cast, look around and wait for something to happen. You will not catch a salmon looking for birds in the sky or a nice sunrise or sunset.

You need to practice your salmon feeling before you can focus on anything else than your fly. And what is your salmon feeling? It is the feeling you get, when you know you made a good cast, you present your fly where you want to and you have a good steady swing in your fly. That moment when you know; if there is a fish in the pool and it wants to take a fly, it will take my fly.

How do you get there? Years of training is one thing. The more you fish, the more you learn and you learn something new from each fish you catch, but there are some basic tips to follow in order to get your own salmon feeling. 

  1. Take a look at the water. Where are the holding spots? Do you see any deeper areas, holes or big stones that make a natural resting spot for the fish?

  2. Practice some cast before your trip. You don’t want to waste your first days getting into the casting, if those are the best days of fishing.

  3. Ask, look and learn. Ask the people that have fished before you what worked for them? Talk with the locals and your guide. They know the water, they spend time at the riverbank every day. watch how other people fish and remember that when you are in water.

  4. When you are in the water, focus on your swing. Do you straighten your leader? Do you feel the resistance in the line when your fly is swinging? All these small things add up to your salmon feeling.

  5. Remember to have fun. It is a good week with your friends. Have a laugh, light a fire, boil coffee and tell a story. The fish is much more rewarding if you can share it with your friends.

The season is almost here and we wish you all tight lines! 


Photos: Jussi Jurvelin, Ted Logardt, Calle Lundqvist & Diego Castillo


Opening days 2023


Kengis Bruk fishing lodge